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Get 10% off your first order with code GNOME10

Super Gnomie Program


If you are videotaping:

  1. Begin by asking the child their name and age.
  2. Encourage them to provide more than one-word answers, assisting them if necessary.
  3. Don't worry about mistakes; our assistant can edit the video. Just restart from the point of any error.
  4. Sign and return the release form to

If you are sending a written response (send to

  1. Include the child's name and age.
  2. Try to use the child's own words as much as possible.
  3. Encourage them to provide more than one-word answers, assisting them if necessary.
  4. Attach a photo of your child with a book, doll, or both. You can blur their face, or we can do it if you prefer.
  5. Sign and return the release form to

Suggested questions:

  1. Do you know that you are a SUPER GNOMIE?
  2. Did you know that means you are a super fan?
  3. You are going to be featured on the Uff Da Sisters website and will receive some special gifts. What do you think about that?
  4. What do you like about the gnome books?
  5. Which gnome book is your favorite so far?
  6. How do you think the gnome felt when a family finally took them home?
  7. If you could visit the gnome's home, what would you like to do there?
  8. What did you name your gnome doll? (If applicable)
  9. What kind of adventures do you have with your gnome? (If they have a doll)
  10. What kind of adventures would you like to see the gnome go on in future books?
  11. Have you learned any Norwegian words?
  12. Is there anything else you want to say?

If you have more questions, please don't hesitate to message us to our social media pages:

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Small, women-owned business

Super Gnomie Program


Use coupon code GNOME10 for 10% off your first order.


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