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The Rich Tradition of Sauna Culture: Part 2

The Rich Tradition of Sauna Culture: Part 2

Now that you know a bit of the history of sauna culture, let’s dive into the benefits and etiquette of using a sauna. The benefits are many, and the etiquette depends on where and with whom you are enjoying the sauna.

First, let's clarify that there are several types of saunas: traditional (wood burning, smoke, electric, wet, or steam) and infrared. Most saunas currently for sale in the United States are infrared, which are considered to have the most health benefits.

The health benefits of using a sauna are numerous. Here is a list of scientifically backed benefits:

1. Improvement to overall health, wellness, and performance
2. Improved heart health
3. Improved blood pressure
4. Improved brain health, lowering the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
5. Recovery for sore muscles
6. Relief for joint pain
7. Improved range of motion
8. Improved breathing for COPD and asthma
9. Cleanses skin
10. Improvement of psoriasis
11. Stress reduction
12. Improvement of depression and mood
13. Excretion of toxins and heavy metals
14. Fewer colds and viral illnesses
15. Improved sleep
16. Improvement in the respiratory tract

While there is not enough evidence to prove the benefit of weight loss, it is clear that using a sauna will greatly enhance your overall health, which might help your thoughts around weight loss. Despite the many health benefits, some people should avoid saunas, including pregnant women, recent heart attack or stroke victims, those with advanced heart conditions, and children. Consult your doctor before using a sauna.

Saunas are frequently used while nude, regardless of who is in the sauna. Make sure you know the rules if going to a public sauna or enjoying a sauna with friends. Of course, you may do whatever you wish if it’s your sauna at your home. The following are some helpful guidelines that will always be acceptable:

1. Shower before going into the sauna
2. Head to the sauna with your towel, naked or in a swimsuit (depending on the sauna recommendations)
3. Don’t wear jewelry
4. Don’t take anything extra into the sauna, especially your cell phone
5. Enter quickly (to not let heat out) and quietly
6. Pick a spot in the sauna to sit (remember, higher benches will be warmer)
7. Sit on your towel
8. Make room for others
9. Follow what others are doing with regard to conversation; most saunas are quiet
10. In most cases, don’t adjust the temperature or pour water on the rocks (if it’s that kind of sauna) without asking
11. The recommended amount of time to stay in the sauna is 15-20 minutes (5-10 minutes if you’re a beginner)
12. Wipe down the area you were sitting or laying before leaving
13. Take a refreshing swim or shower to cool down after leaving the sauna, drink plenty of water, and refrain from intense exercise

All this talk about saunas makes me think it’s time to go get in mine.

All people are created equally, but nowhere more so than in a sauna.”—Anonymous

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